Selected Awards Received
1984 Veuve Clicquot Business Woman of the Year
1988 OBE - Order of the British Empire
1988 British Association of Industrial Editors, Communicator of Year
1991 Center for World Development Education's World Vision Award, USA
1991 The Financial Evening Standard Outstanding Entrepreneur Analysis Award
1992 National Association of Women Business Owners (US) Business Leader of Year
1993 Banksia Foundation's Australia Environmental Award
1993 Mexican Environmental Achiever Award
1993 National Audubon Society Medal, USA
1994 Botwinick Prize in Business Ethics, USA
1994 University of Michigan's Annual Business Leadership Award, USA
1994 Daily Express/Moet & Chandon Business Award
1995 Women's Business Development Center's First Annual Woman Power Award, USA
1996 Women's Center's Leadership Award, USA
1996 The Gleitsman Foundation's Award of Achievement, USA
1996 Institute of Charitable Fundraising Managers (UK), Philanthropist of the Year
1997 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Honouree, Eyes on the